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Mandi, Mandi , Himachal Pradesh - 175001

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 Pincode : 175001
  Medium: English
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Classes Offered

Classes Age Group Ratio Fees Action
Play Group 1 to 3 years 10 : 1 On Request
Nursery 1 to 3 years 10 : 1 On Request
LKG 3 to 5 years 10 : 1 On Request
UKG/HKG 3 to 5 years 10 : 1 On Request
1st Class 5 to 8 years 10 : 1 On Request
2nd Class 5 to 8 years 10 : 1 On Request
3rd Class 5 to 8 years 10 : 1 On Request
4th Class 5 to 8 years 10 : 1 On Request
5th Class 5 to 8 years 10 : 1 On Request
6th Class 8 to 13 years 10 : 1 On Request
7th Class 8 to 13 years 10 : 1 On Request
8th Class 8 to 13 years 10 : 1 On Request
9th Class 8 to 13 years 10 : 1 On Request
10th Class 8 to 13 years 10 : 1 On Request
11th Class 14 to 17 years 10 : 1 On Request
12th Class 14 to 17 years 10 : 1 On Request

About Us

The Indus Global School, Mandi was set up in April 2008 and it is growing swiftly as one of the best school in the city It is a co-educational school , with approximately 800 students on its rolls. These children are in the Ananda , Jigyasa and Sadhana branches study in the school campus in Mandi . The school considers education to be a life long process which should have a strong foundation . At Indus Global School Mandi Education for life Excellence is Education and commitment to a meaning education are of prime importance . Quality education is provided to each and every child . Indus Global School believes that love for education should be developed among children in the initial years and conditions should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life . Here competitions with one – another is not the goal . Each child is encouraged to take his or her own time to understand the exercise and gradually build interest. An Indus child passes through three distinct phases of learning, which we at Indus have termed - Ananda, Jigyasa and Sadhana.

Admission Details

Registration is open throughout the year. Registration can be made online or by downloading the registration form, rules and regulations form and sending the filled forms along with the requisite fees in the form of a demand draft in favour of "Indus Global School Mandi " payable at Mandi. At par cheques are also accepted.



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